Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation

An organization to increase awareness for living a healthy life by taking natural foods, doing exercises, yoga, sound sleep and stress free lifestyle. The organization is based in Calgary, AB, Canada. The organization is non-profit, non-political and non-religious.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021


Seven steps to enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle“

A perfect healthy lifestyle can provide you more positive energy, improved immune system, robust mental health, and can increase your chances of fighting diseases.

Here are seven important steps you can take to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

1.    Balanced Diet : Include a balanced diet of healthy grains like rice, quinoa, millets, sorghum, finger millet, buckwheat, amaranth etc. Healthy oils include pasture raised butter, ghee, virgin coconut oil, cold pressed olive oil, avocado oil. Properly soaked and cooked pulses and beans, soaked nuts and seeds, and plenty of organic seasonal fruits and vegetables. Avoid all refined vegetable oils, GMOs, soybeans and soy products, corn, peanuts, A1 milk and milk products like cheese, wheat and wheat products. Include fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir (water or coconut).Avoid California almonds and eat European raw fresh unpasteurised almonds from France or Italy. Consume salmon atlantic fish, pasture raised organic eggs and chicken. Avoid omega 3, free range, free run eggs. They aren’t really free run or real omega 3 eggs. Chicken are fed minute quantities of rancid grounded flaxseeds. Chicken are allowed for few minutes to roam free and out of sun to qualify for free run or free range.

2.     Sun : Enjoy Sun by exposing your bare skin at least 15-30 minutes around noon daily to make vitamin D in summer months when UVB rays are available in your country.

3.    Grounding/Earthing : Walk barefoot everyday for at least half hour to get mother Earth’s free electrons. Go back to Nature. Free electrons are negatively charged ions that contain an extra charge to quench positively charged free radiacals that wreck havoc in our body. They are great antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, reduce pain. Stress, thins the blood and improve heart conditions, blood circulation and numerous chronic diseases. Inflammation is the root cause of all chronic diseases.

4.    Exercise: Exercise improves muscle tone, circulation, lymph movement, healthy weight and overall health. Walking barefoot is the best exercise.

5.    Meditation: It reduces stress, calms your mind, improves autonomic nervous system by reducing sympathetic nervous system activity and up regulating parasympathetic activity and ultimately improving vagus nerve conductivity.

6.    Sleep: Proper 8 hour sleep is very necessary for a healthy mind and body. Sleep early around 9pm to harvest the most important REM sleep. Body detoxify at night and 10pm to 2am four hour window is very crucial for our body. Adopting the above mentioned steps help you sleep better specially the morning Sun and walking barefoot.

7.    Clean water and air: Drink at least 8-10 glasses of natural spring water daily. Avoid alcohol, beer, coke and soft drinks. Plain carbonated water or soda is perfectly good. Adopt proper deep slow breathing called belly breathing. Avoid chest or mouth breathing. After exhaling fully wait as much as you can wait comfortably before taking the next breath.

You can maintain a healthier lifestyle by adopting the seven important steps.

Enjoy your beautiful health.

Sukhwinder Brar


Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation


Thursday, 17 January 2019

Know your thyroid.

                 Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation      HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE FOUNDATION  Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation                                                                                                                
                                                  MONTHLY HEALTH NEWSLETTER
Month: January 2019
Topic :  1.    Why Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is not the reliable test for Thyroid disease?  
2. What other vitamins and minerals are absolutely necessary for the thyroid to work efficiently?
”Knowledge gives you the power to choose wisely and take control of your health”
Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland situated under your Adam’s apple in the neck. Its duty is to control your metabolism, blood pressure, maintain body temperature, weight, produce certain proteins and blood circulation.
Thyroiditis : It is the  inflammation of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency.(Goiter)
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which our immune cells attack the thyroid gland (Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), and thyroglobulin (Tg) producing antibodies (TPOAb, TgAb ).This is also called Hypothyroidism, meaning under production of the thyroid hormone T4 and T3.Symptoms include slower metabolism, weight gain, cold hands and feet, puffy eyes, hair loss on outer eyebrows, high cholesterol, depression etc.
Grave’s Disease is also autoimmune thyroid disease in which immune cells attack the Thyroid stimulating hormone receptors and produce antibodies ( TRAb) and results in over production of thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Hence its name Hyperthyroidism. Symptoms include bulging eyes, weight loss, sensitivity to heat, high pulse rate etc.
Most of the cases thyroid disease is caused by autoimmunity and it is related to leaky gut due to consumption of wheat, cow milk, bacterial or yeast overgrowth. Autoimmunity is regulated by regulatory T cells (Tregs) and they are controlled by Vitamin D3 and vitamin C.
Pituitary gland (brain) instructs thyroid to produce T4 and T3 by sending Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) when it senses the low T3 levels in it. It means more the T3 it has less TSH is produced and less the T3 it has more TSH is produced. Here lies the discrepancy because it has different set of Deiodinases (Enzymes that convert inactive T4 to active T3. Whole body except pituitary gland has Deiodinase type D1 that converts T4 to T3 but pituitary gland has little D1 but sufficient D2 which is 1000 times more effective than D1 in converting T4 to T3.
Pituitary gland can make  enough T3 from a little T4  with the help of D2 , when all other body tissues are crying for T3 hormone. Even under physiologic conditions like depression, dieting, weight gain, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, autoimmune, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome etc D1 is down regulated in the body and D2 in the pituitary is up regulated producing more T3. Hence Pituitary gland having itself sufficient T3 doesn’t instruct the thyroid gland by increasing production of TSH .
Pituitary gland doesn’t have another deiodinase D3 that converts T4 into reverse T3 (RT3) which acts directly opposite to T3. Whole body has D3 and under physiologic conditions listed above it converts most of the T4 into T3 putting brakes to the production of active T3 and slowing the metabolism. This proves that TSH test can’t be relied on.
As for as TSH reference range is concerned its upper limit is set too high at 4.0 ( reduced from 5.0 to 4.5 then to 4.0) In some countries it is set at 3.0 but in Canada it is 4.0. Optimum upper limit is 1.5-2.0.
Tests : TSH, free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, TPOAb, TgAb, TG for Hypothyroidism and TRAb for hyperthyroidism.
Unfortunately doctors don’t test RT3 cause if found high they have no medicine to prescribe to lower it. Zinc and selenium can lower high Rt3. Similarly they don’t test free T3 because if low they have no medicine that can raise T3 levels. They prescribe only Synthroid which has T4 only.
They don’t test autoantibodies because if found positive , have no medicine to eliminate it.
Vitamin D and A can lower auto antibodies along with selenium.
Best way to treat hypothyroidism is to supplement with NDT natural dessicated thyroid hormone called Throid.
Or if synthroid doesn’t work then Cytomel (T3) should be taken.
Nutrients needed: Tyrosine amino acid, iodine, iron, vitamin C, A, D, B2, B12, zinc, selenium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids.
To produce TSH Protein, magnesium, B12, zinc are absolutely required.
To produce T4 hormone Vitamin B2, Iodine and vitamin C are needed.
To convert T4 into active T3 zinc and selenium are important. If deficient in these minerals T4 is converted into reverse T3 which is detrimental to body organs.
T3 only works when it attaches to the surface of the nucleus of the cell and this function is mediated by vitamin A and D.
In total 12 different nutrients are required in optimum amounts to complete the whole cascade of production, activation and transportation of thyroid hormone to cellular level or the nucleus DNA and switching on genes.
Yours healthfully,
Sukhwinder Brar (President)
Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation


Sunday, 9 December 2018

Health Seminar on Liposomal Vitamin C

Sukhwinder Brar ਦੀ ਫੋਟੋ।

Benefits of Magnesium

Sukhwinder Brar ਦੀ ਫੋਟੋ।Sukhwinder Brar ਦੀ ਫੋਟੋ।Punjabi Akhbaar ਦੀ ਫੋਟੋ।

Why Humans are deprived of Vitamin C ?

                 Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation      HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE FOUNDATION  Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation                                                                                                                
                                                  MONTHLY HEALTH NEWSLETTER
Topic :      Why humans are deprived of vitamin C  ?                                                                   December 2018
Humans, unlike other animals, cannot make vitamin C. We must consume it from exogenous supplements or our diet. Can this be considered a manufacturing defect ? The absence of the enzyme l-gulonolactone oxidase (glo) from the liver and loss of the gene controlling the synthesis of this enzyme in humans blocks the final phase in the series for converting glucose to ascorbic acid. Not so in other mammals except the guinea pig, fruit bats, primates.
Sources: The very richest sources are acerola, guavas, red sweet peppers, kale leaves, parsley, collard leaves, turnip greens, green sweet peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and mustard greens, all fresh fruits and vegetables (especially green, leafy vegetables). Early explorers learned that, to avoid scurvy, they needed to eat oranges, lemons, limes, berries.
Functions : Needed for production of collagen (“cell cement”) , the main protein substance of the body. It is an extremely important antioxidant. It strengthens various immune functions by enhancing white blood-cell function and activity. It neutralizes chemicals, pesticides such as water and air pollutants.It is needed by every cell, gland, tissue such as adrenal, thyroid etc. It is a great antibiotic known to kill all viruses, bacteria, fungal and mold.
It is used for all gastrointestinal problems, snakebites, poisonous effects of drugs. Wonderful in dealing with fevers and infections. It reduces wrinkles, a great beauty aid. It regulates immune system by creating regulatory T cells called tregs  and good for treating autoimmune conditions such as Celiac disease, type1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease.
Extremely helpful in treating asthma and other allergies,
atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cataracts, Parkinson’s disease, skin ulcers, wound healing, and pregnancy-related conditions.
It overcomes cadmium poisoning .Cancer patients should be urged to take lots of vitamin C.
Supplements : Vitamin C from the health-food store comes in several forms: powders, crystals, capsules, tablets, and time-release tablets. Ascorbic acid is the most widely used and least expensive form. It is usually made from corn. Buffered vitamin C with sodium, magnesium and potassium can be taken but Ester C with calcium must be avoided to overdose the calcium.
Liposomal Vitamin C is the new guy in this area and quite costly but very effective and bioavailable even better than IV treatment.
Deficiency symptoms: Soft gums (pyorrhea), tooth decay, skin hemorrhages, anemia, slow healing of sores and wounds, capillary weakness, premature aging, deterioration in collagen, thyroid insufficiency. Also reduced resistance to infections, toxic effects of drugs, and environmental poisons. The classic symptoms of  scurvy are bleeding gums, poor wound healing, and extensive bruising ; also there is susceptibility to infections, hysteria, and depression .
Interactions: Bioflavonoids, calcium, and magnesium are needed for vitamin C assimilation. Vitamin C works closely with other nutritional antioxidants, especially vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene . When a combination of antioxidants is given, the patient can more easily deal with cancer. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron, decreases the absorption of copper.
RDA of vitamin C is about 90 mg/day for men and women need more vitamin C around 110 mg/day. Smokers, pregnant and breastfeeding women need even more to prevent scurvy. Ideal dose of Vitamin C is 2000-3000 mg/day in divided doses. Liposomal Vitamin C is the best and beware of the product made with soybean lecithin.
Good Health !
Sukhwinder Brar