An organization to increase awareness for living a healthy life by taking natural foods, doing exercises, yoga, sound sleep and stress free lifestyle. The organization is based in Calgary, AB, Canada. The organization is non-profit, non-political and non-religious.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Know your thyroid.

                 Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation      HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE FOUNDATION  Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation                                                                                                                
                                                  MONTHLY HEALTH NEWSLETTER
Month: January 2019
Topic :  1.    Why Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is not the reliable test for Thyroid disease?  
2. What other vitamins and minerals are absolutely necessary for the thyroid to work efficiently?
”Knowledge gives you the power to choose wisely and take control of your health”
Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland situated under your Adam’s apple in the neck. Its duty is to control your metabolism, blood pressure, maintain body temperature, weight, produce certain proteins and blood circulation.
Thyroiditis : It is the  inflammation of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency.(Goiter)
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which our immune cells attack the thyroid gland (Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), and thyroglobulin (Tg) producing antibodies (TPOAb, TgAb ).This is also called Hypothyroidism, meaning under production of the thyroid hormone T4 and T3.Symptoms include slower metabolism, weight gain, cold hands and feet, puffy eyes, hair loss on outer eyebrows, high cholesterol, depression etc.
Grave’s Disease is also autoimmune thyroid disease in which immune cells attack the Thyroid stimulating hormone receptors and produce antibodies ( TRAb) and results in over production of thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Hence its name Hyperthyroidism. Symptoms include bulging eyes, weight loss, sensitivity to heat, high pulse rate etc.
Most of the cases thyroid disease is caused by autoimmunity and it is related to leaky gut due to consumption of wheat, cow milk, bacterial or yeast overgrowth. Autoimmunity is regulated by regulatory T cells (Tregs) and they are controlled by Vitamin D3 and vitamin C.
Pituitary gland (brain) instructs thyroid to produce T4 and T3 by sending Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) when it senses the low T3 levels in it. It means more the T3 it has less TSH is produced and less the T3 it has more TSH is produced. Here lies the discrepancy because it has different set of Deiodinases (Enzymes that convert inactive T4 to active T3. Whole body except pituitary gland has Deiodinase type D1 that converts T4 to T3 but pituitary gland has little D1 but sufficient D2 which is 1000 times more effective than D1 in converting T4 to T3.
Pituitary gland can make  enough T3 from a little T4  with the help of D2 , when all other body tissues are crying for T3 hormone. Even under physiologic conditions like depression, dieting, weight gain, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, autoimmune, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome etc D1 is down regulated in the body and D2 in the pituitary is up regulated producing more T3. Hence Pituitary gland having itself sufficient T3 doesn’t instruct the thyroid gland by increasing production of TSH .
Pituitary gland doesn’t have another deiodinase D3 that converts T4 into reverse T3 (RT3) which acts directly opposite to T3. Whole body has D3 and under physiologic conditions listed above it converts most of the T4 into T3 putting brakes to the production of active T3 and slowing the metabolism. This proves that TSH test can’t be relied on.
As for as TSH reference range is concerned its upper limit is set too high at 4.0 ( reduced from 5.0 to 4.5 then to 4.0) In some countries it is set at 3.0 but in Canada it is 4.0. Optimum upper limit is 1.5-2.0.
Tests : TSH, free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, TPOAb, TgAb, TG for Hypothyroidism and TRAb for hyperthyroidism.
Unfortunately doctors don’t test RT3 cause if found high they have no medicine to prescribe to lower it. Zinc and selenium can lower high Rt3. Similarly they don’t test free T3 because if low they have no medicine that can raise T3 levels. They prescribe only Synthroid which has T4 only.
They don’t test autoantibodies because if found positive , have no medicine to eliminate it.
Vitamin D and A can lower auto antibodies along with selenium.
Best way to treat hypothyroidism is to supplement with NDT natural dessicated thyroid hormone called Throid.
Or if synthroid doesn’t work then Cytomel (T3) should be taken.
Nutrients needed: Tyrosine amino acid, iodine, iron, vitamin C, A, D, B2, B12, zinc, selenium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids.
To produce TSH Protein, magnesium, B12, zinc are absolutely required.
To produce T4 hormone Vitamin B2, Iodine and vitamin C are needed.
To convert T4 into active T3 zinc and selenium are important. If deficient in these minerals T4 is converted into reverse T3 which is detrimental to body organs.
T3 only works when it attaches to the surface of the nucleus of the cell and this function is mediated by vitamin A and D.
In total 12 different nutrients are required in optimum amounts to complete the whole cascade of production, activation and transportation of thyroid hormone to cellular level or the nucleus DNA and switching on genes.
Yours healthfully,
Sukhwinder Brar (President)
Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge Foundation


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